How might we expand dance as public art and uplift our communities like never before?

Dear BANDALOOP Friends, 

Now is the time to create beauty, take care of each other, and stretch our ideas of what is possible - in ourselves, our communities, and our environment. Thank you for being a partner in the growth of BANDALOOP and our collective good. Join us as a donor this year and amplify the awe, joy, and freedom that is uniquely vertical dance.

This year we performed across 13 sites for 39,000+ live-audience members experiencing our work free-of-charge - including 5,000+ at Somewhere to Land in Alameda this past September, where I met some of you. We served 300+ students across 450 classes and uplifted 12 local dance artists at our vital new West Oakland home, the BANDALOOP Studios. Collectively, this is what we need: space that is shared, talent that is nurtured, and artistry that is vibrant, gracious and, in our case, vertical.

Like many in our field, we are feeling the crush of inflation and market forces and facing a grim future of government support for the arts. Nevertheless, for 2025:

  • We have secured a California Parks grant for a next site-reactive performance Somewhere to Oakland

  • We make our Broadway vertical debut with Redwood featuring Idina Menzel

  • We are building a multi-city tour of FLOCK with the gracious support of the National Dance Project

These are the golden threads on our loom, and I invite each of you to be a part of the fabric of our future! 

Donate today.

Your contribution supports our innovation and our community in co-creation of the beauty, safety and belonging intrinsic to our 30+ years of success.

We will not stop our pursuit of dance and art as freedom, our effort toward a more hopeful tomorrow. We are steadfast in our resolve to continue to share our work with the public at no cost, and we have a clear path to success.

Fly with us.

Your tax-deductible donations, large and small, monthly or as one-time gifts, are needed and appreciated for BANDALOOP to ascend in 2025. Mountains of thanks for your support.

To Beauty,

Melecio Estrella
Artistic Director, BANDALOOP


Mail your donation check with your address, phone, and email for confirmation, to:

1601 18th Street
Oakland, CA 94607 USA
Tel: 415-421-LOOP (5667)

Questions? Contact


  • Matching Gifts – Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees.

  • Appreciated Assets – Donate stocks, bonds, or real estate to fund a planned gift, and avoid substantial capital gains taxes on these assets.

  • The Pension Protection Act of 2006 – If you are age 70 ½ or older, you can donate from your IRA without paying federal income taxes on the distribution.

  • Life Insurance Policies – When your policies are no longer critical to your family’s well-being, use them to support BANDALOOP’s work.

  • Retirement Plans – Reduce taxes on your tax-deferred IRA & 401K plans by naming BANDALOOP as a beneficiary.

  • Trusts – A charitable lead trust will generate funding for BANDALOOP.

  • Bequests – Through your will or living trust you can gift to BANDALOOP a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate.





California Arts Council
Creative Work Fund
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
East Bay Community Foundation Fund for Artists
MAP Fund
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
New England Foundation for the Arts
National Endowment for the Arts
National Performance Network Creation Fund
San Francisco Arts Commission
The American Express Foundation
The City of Oakland Cultural Funding Program
The Gerbode Foundation Choreographer’s Commission
The Fleishhacker Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
The Kenneth Rainin Foundation
The National Dance Project
The Wattis Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
US Artists International


Morrison Foerster LLP
TMG Partners
Prescott Properties / srm Ernst


Christopher Seiwald
Chris & Jana Pasteña
Joe Ernst
Sheila & Andrew Dailey
Brian Ripley
Rika Iino
Bette & Bob Epstein
RSC Insurance Brokerage Inc
John Dunham
Thomas Cavanagh
Albert and Joan Dorman Family Foundation
Laura Dorman
Edee & Guy Ben Ari
Nik Dehejia
Dr. Onna Lo & Sat Darshan Khalsa
Bill & Jan Collins
Cristy Johnston Limon
Dana Buntrock
Katherine Tomassi
Jocelyn Soriano & Lowell Haky
Amelia Rudolph
Kat Nouri
Marjorie Heinrich
Michelle Lee
Mary Bucher
Charles Brack
Cheryl Morris
Marcia Fick
Kevin Pacotti
Martin Higgins
Owen Modica
Vivian Lee Nyitray
Terri Trotter
Sarah Baltazar
Cari Cohorn
Carolyn Choy
David Dailey
Mieko Hatano
Regina Dick-Endrizzi
Stephan Snider
Cari Cohorn
Christopher Clay
Jenny Rudolph
David Mack
Patricia F Shanks
Andrew Jones

Council member Carroll Fife
Daniel Clifford
Erin Downing
J Hammond
John Donovan
Karen Chen
Melecio Estrella
Melissa Higgins
Peter Mayfield
Rashanda Udekwu
Roberto Bedoya
wai kan
Charles Slender-White
Alexa Glockner
Maya Woodson Turman
Naveen Chandra
Hans Florine
Amanda Moran
Beth Ward
Bruzette McDaniel
Chisa Yamaguchi
Christine Keith
Elizabeth Musbach
Elizabeth & Bernard Lilly
Jennifer Becker
Nina Haft
Rebecca Solnit
Sandra Price
Tara Pilbrow
Kim Epifano
Louise Swig
April Newman
Carol Hart
Emilio Garcia-James
Hildy Feen
Norman Bookstein
Pete DePaschalis
Rebecca Johnson
Shawna Wolverton
Taylor Lawrence
Aileen Moffitt
Christopher Dutra
Sid Sun
Janet Linder
Mary Hammond
Angela Riewe 
Alike Sampson